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  • Writer's pictureCukeman

Machine Head: Of Kingdom and Crown Review

Updated: Oct 10, 2022

I've been a fan of Machine Head since my teens. We're talking The Burning Red days. That album was my first experience of the band. I worked backwards from there and got into Burn My Eyes and More Things Change. It showed me how diverse this band was.

I'm sure there are fans that argue whether Supercharger and The Burning Red are good albums. Personally I like them for what they are. They're not perfect by any means but they have a place in the bands history. Just like St. Anger does in Metallica.

By the time Through the Ashes of Empires was released I was fully invested in the metal and rock scene. Machine Head was by far one of my top bands along with Rammstein, Lamb of God, Metallica and System of a Down. I've followed this band over the years and seen them live more times than I can care to remember. I know some fans are happy to rag on some of their records but for me I feel they all have strengths and weaknesses. The way I see it, could I do much better myself? No. No I couldn't.

I can't say there is any album I actively dislike but there are those I don't listen to as much. It's fair to say my interest peaked with The Blackening and, like other fans, I was disappointed when they started to fragment. That's life I guess. Attitudes change, directions change, people drift apart.

After Catharsis I did wonder where the band was going. Particularly after some of the singles they released, which felt more like the Supercharger era. I'm looking at you Is There Anybody Out There. That being said I never gave up on them and would always be open minded to their next project whatever that may be.

So, enter their new record. I had listened to a couple of the songs beforehand but tried not to overdo it because I wanted to hear the complete package. I have purposefully stayed away from any reviews as I want to form my own opinion. It will be interesting after hearing it whether other reviewers have said about it, whether they have similar views to my own.

Here we go then. I load up the first song 'Slaughter the Martyr' and see a track length of 10:26 minutes. What am I in for here? It starts off with the unmistakable Machine Head melodic intro teasing you and drawing you in with haunting vocals from our man Flynn, doing what he does best. Before you get too comfortable it completely lifts off as I hoped it would. Trademark riffs and a thumping drum beat kicks in as Flynn screams SLAUGHTER THE MARTYR!! Yes! I imagine myself in a mosh pit screaming in some teens face. They always know how to open an album. It then moves into a crunching breakdown like something from the Blackening and Unto the Locust era. Towards the end the dual solos are off the chain! This does not in any way feel like a 10 minute song. It has me completely gripped and does not give in, it's completely relentless. Where have they been hiding this?

The album seamlessly transitions into 'Choke On The Ashes Of Your Hate' and keeps up the intensity. Flynn screams the songs title with his visceral ferocity. About half way in and the song ups steps up another gear and I imagine myself once again in a sweaty tent with thousands of metal heads, the thunderous guitars ripping through the crowd with them all screaming CHOKE ON THE ASHES OF YOUR HATE! This is a great song!

The blistering guitars continue in 'Become The Firestorm'. I'm so glad to hear more of Jared on this album his backing vocals really work. This song feels really like classic Machine Head. Just when you get comfortable with the groove it lifts off again with Flynn and Waclaw battling each other on solo's.

'My Hands are Empty' is up next. This one could have been ripped straight from The Blackening. Jared is used to full effect here again. It's well placed in the album and steps down a gear which is a good change of pace.

However, it doesn't rest on its laurels with 'Unhallowed'. This song brings you right back into it with an amazing opening riff that makes you instantly want to head bang. Feels like a good sing along song with a bit more of a measured pace.

'Kill Thy Enemies' does feel a bit like the black sheep of the album. Excellent in its own right and has a real groove to it but feels out of sync with the previous songs. Definitely a slow head banger. It has a real vibe to it almost like you're preparing for war.

Flynn doesn't let the pace slow down for too long with 'No Gods No Masters'. I can see this one being a sing along at stadiums and festivals. I love the breakdown at the end, real crunchy doom laden riffs.

'Bloodshot', like Kill Thy Enemies, does feel a bit out of place. It still obviously a Machine Head song but has a real different energy. It is thankfully still relentless and you find yourself chanting BLOODSHOT! BLOODSHOT! So it must be doing something right. Has a groove all of its own. In fact it could almost match the energy of their earlier records.

I liked 'Rotten' when I first heard it as a single. I really hoped it was part of an upcoming record. Luckily I was right! I really love the riff on this one and how it really kicks you in the face when it gets going. Particularly when Flynn screams EVERYTHING IS ROTTEN TO THE CORE! How can you not mosh to this one? Then the breakdown hits it smashes what's left of you to the floor not before solos lift off the chain! This is my favorite part of Machine Head songs. Throwing in some fist pumping riffs and chants in for good measure. This is definitely my favorite. It really matches the energy of Wolves I only wished it was longer.

The closing song, 'Arrows In Words From The Sky' is exactly what you'd expect from this band. Another reason I love Machine Head, how they seamlessly transition from the chaotic to the melodic.

I really enjoyed this album and it's definitely up there in my top 5. It's got a lot of personality, pace, riffs that make you want to head bang until your face falls off and just an all round solid entry. They show me time and time again never to give up on them.

Thank you for this one Mr Flynn, greatly appreciated once again!

Also thank you taking the time to read this, let me know what you thought of the album!


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