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  • Writer's pictureCukeman

Slipknot: The End, So Far Review

Updated: Oct 10, 2022

If you read my previous review on Machine Head's latest entry, I won't repeat myself here. In summary, I'm a long-time metal head. Slipknot are up there in my top bands. They had just released 'Vol. 3 Subliminal Verses' when I was really starting to find out what my musical taste was. They were pretty unique at the time, a group seemingly always embroiled in controversy. Hiding behind mystery and masks with music that hadn't really been done before. I feel like they broke through with Vol. 3. I've no doubt everyone must have heard 'Duality' at some point in their lives.

So, we come onto their seventh album, the last album being 'We Are Not Your Kind' 3 years earlier. I made a point of refreshing myself of their past records so I could get into the right headspace to properly assess where I feel this new record sits.

It opens with quite an unusual haunting melody. It almost feels like it belongs on a 'Fair to Midland' record. It's intriguing and makes you wonder how this album is going to flow. It's not completely out of character for this band although it's not quite like anything I've heard them do before.

Before you get too comfortable Corey's clean vocal opens up 'The Dying Song' not before going full Slipknot. This song is 100% familiar territory and the kind of song I would expect. Blistering drums and headbanging riffs along with an excellent catchy chorus. This is Slipknot alright. It immediately gets your blood pumping! Put your hands into the water, let your mouth go sick and dry!

The relentless pace continues with 'Chapeltown Rag'. This is already invoking a feeling of their first and second records. No nonsense, this is old school Slipknot! The drumming is on point on this one, Jay would have made Joey proud. Great song!

'Yen' feels like it is channeling Vol. 3. Much more melancholic but still as heavy as you want it to be. I really feel as though Sid and Craig have more going on here. They add more to this band than I think they are given credit for. The mix of DJ and Metal made this band stand out and I'm glad to see a callback to those early records.

'Hive Mind' switches the gears right back up. When it kicks in, I feel like I'm listening to something off 'Iowa' I love it! Right back in with that unmistakable Slipknot sound. This is a real banger.

The pace continues with 'Warranty' as Corey screams ISN'T THIS WHAT YOU CAME FOR! Yes, yes it is thank you. They know what their fanbase wants, ferocious riffs and Corey screaming so loud your face melts. This could literally be a B side from their self-titled album.

'Medicine For The Dead' intro sounds like the start of a 70's sci-fi series. It veers off in a slightly different direction. It slows things down however it is a welcome change of pace. As much as I love the heavy stuff, it's songs like this that show off the band's diversity. It's not too slow that you lose focus, and it keeps you hooked in. It feels more like their more recent records. It's a good song though it may have benefitted from being a minute or so shorter.

'Acidic' continues on from the last with a very different feel than the first half of the album. It wouldn't be too out of place on a 'Stone Sour' record. I'm indifferent with this one. I don't dislike it though I'm not sure I'd listen to it outside the context of the album. That's not a problem though, this isn't a greatest hit record with every song being a single.

I feel with 'Heirloom' I'm going to end up making another Stone Sour comparison. It is a typical Slipknot ballad and continues the different pace the second half of the album appears to take. However certainly more in keeping with their traditional sound than Acidic. Thumping drums and classic vocals from Corey. Not quite as catchy as 'Psychosocial' but a solid song.

With 'H377' we're right back into it! This is more like it, also again more like their first record. I can see this being a stadium song. It's well placed as you could be forgiven for thinking the album was running out of steam at this point.

'De Sade' again is more of a typical Slipknot ballad. However, when you think you know where you are with it, it does take a twist mid-way through. It almost feels as though the two identities of this album are clashing together. It's like the band were watching you thinking about switching to the next song, so they quickly change pace to bring you back in. Whilst it's potentially not a song I'd listen to on repeat I admire its creativity.

'Finale' is a good song and is a decent, strong ballad to finish off the album. It ends on a gentler pace in comparison to what is otherwise a raging bull of an album.

So, to summarise what my general thoughts are on their latest entry. I feel this is almost an album designed to target all parts of their fanbase, old and new. There's the smash your face to the floor blast beats mixed in with the catchier, radio friendly Corey vocals. If you're a Slipknot fan, there's likely going to be something here for you somewhere. This is almost a compilation of all their musical styles to date in one place.

I imagine there will be some reviewers that will slate them for being too familiar. However, let's be honest, if Slipknot strayed too far from what makes them Slipknot they'd get criticised for that too. We need to start being more empathetic to these bands that have managed to stand the test of time. They've been going for over 20 years, and we should forgive them for perhaps not being able to come up with something that sounds completely fresh. I'd certainly say it is a stronger entry than the past two records. They've had their fair share of tragedy and good on them for still being able to come out with quality material.

If you're 555 then I'm 666!!


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